I'm cracked. How about you? My devotional this morning was about our weaknesses as mere human clay. Jesus shines through these imperfect vessels. "But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us." (II Corinthians 4:7--NKJV) How can He shine through us if we don't have cracks and flaws through which His light shines?
(Side bar: If you are looking for excellent devotional books, I recommend the following by Sarah Young--Jesus Calling, Jesus Today, Jesus Lives and Dear Jesus. They are written from the perspective of Jesus talking to us through use of conversation and the Word. Even though I've been through all of them several times, they never get old. Sounds like the Word!)
Matthew 5:48 says, Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect. When my son was young (and so was I), it was very hard to keep up that admonition. I tried to make him perfect (flawless, without anything that would bring complaints or make me look bad), and I even told him that's what he had to be! Oh, how wrong I was!
For one thing, the word "perfect" really means mature, not without flaws. I certainly wasn't without them myself, but was blinded to that possibility. I was more concerned with how his behavior reflected on me as a parent than I was on how my behavior reflect my Lord.
It goes back to cracked pots. We will never be perfect--sinless--faultless--in this life. That's why we need His help every day. I quote from Jesus Lives: "By letting your humble, hurting parts be exposed, you allow My Light to shine through you into others' lives." If we are closed up, with the lid on, so to speak, how can His Light be seen. Isn't it in our true humanity with all our flaws and weaknesses that we come to Him, asking for His help? That's when He has the best opportunity to shine brightly. Even if we don't think we have any faults, everyone else around us knows differently! Just ask them! Why not admit it, seeking His Presence every day? Then what shines out through our cracks will be glorious!
Book update: Today, I sent off the galley corrections. It shouldn't be long now. Once I approve all those corrections (see how cracked I am?), publication can take place. Soon and very soon!