Monday, March 10, 2014


Thanks to everyone who has purchased and read Green Glass.  I appreciate all the nice comments.  If you have read it, please add your comments below, or on the web page where you ordered it.  This will help, as the publisher looks at the feedback. 

As some of you have noted, there are mistakes in the book!  Wonder of wonders!  I'm not perfect!  Even after Leon and I re-read the book about six times, both in typed and galley form, we missed them.  I appreciate your letting me know where the mistakes are so that I can be a better editor next time.

On the subject of mistakes, how do you feel when you make them?  There was a time in my life when making mistakes as those in the book would have mortified me.  Being perfect was so important at that time.  I've learned over the years that perfect means mature, not without fault.  Whew!

There are at least three words that the Bible uses for what we call mistakes.  We are all familiar with them, but I wanted to give a little insight here on what the words really mean.  For those of you who have the Spirit Filled Life Bible, you'll recognize the Worth Wealth definitions. 

Sin:  Literally means "missing the mark," failure, offense, taking the wrong course, wrongdoing, sin, guilt.    This is found at John 1:29.

Transgression:  Abandoning a trust, departing, stepping aside, overstep, violation, rebellion, aberration, apostasy, disobedience, deviation from an original and true direction.  This is found at Acts 1:25.

Transgression:  Rebellion, transgression, trespass.  Whether as noun or verb, trespass had to do with revolting against law, God, or government, and was a transgressing, that is, going beyond established limits.  "Rebellion," or "breaking out against," might also describe (this word).  This is found at Ezekiel 18:31.

Iniquities:  Evil, fault, sin, iniquity, guilt, blame; moral illness, perversion, crookedness.  Derived from (word) to "bend" or "distort."  Thus iniquity is the "evil bent" within human beings, or the "crooked" direction or "warped" deeds of sinners.  This is found at Psalm 130:3.

In other words, we are all sinners and transgress.  But there is hope!  Here's what Psalm 32:1-2, 5 has to say:  Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.  Blessed is the man to whom the Lord does not impute iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit.  I acknowledged my sin to You, and my iniquity I have not hidden.  I said, "I will confess my transgressions to the Lord," and You forgave the iniquity of my sin.

So, mistakes will happen.  Sometimes because we chose to make them, or sometimes just because we are human.  But we have Someone Who knows all about it, and loves us anyway.  When you find yourself making more than your share, here's the answer.  Go to Jesus and ask forgiveness.  That won't take away your humanness, but it will take away your guilt.  God already knows that we are sinners.  We miss His mark or standard.  Jesus came to enable us to be set free from the sin that so easily besets us (Heb. 12:1).

Most of our mistakes are unintentional, like those in my book.  The sin that was in us at birth, can be erased by the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.  Do we want to carry around all that weight of guilt, or do we want to be free?  It's our choice.

Happy mistaking!